
Turbocharger and automotive engine seals and retaining rings are manufactured from wrought and machined materials, delivering cost-effective, optimum performance with excellent resilience under arduous conditions.

Automotive Sealing and Retaining Rings

We are a trusted partner in the car and truck engine turbocharger industry, supplying sealing and retaining rings to most of the world’s OEMs. Our manufacturing techniques deliver high performance, cost-effective sealing solutions, encompassing cobalt-based and other superalloy grades for sealing in the most demanding areas of the turbocharger.

Turbocharger applications include main shaft seals, static joint rings for variable geometry turbos and dynamic seals for axially sliding duties. Our many years’ experience in the production of high performance rings can be applied to any engine application, especially where demanding conditions exist.

Cross are advancing and diversifying with trends in the markets. This includes electric vehicle and hybrid designs in the automotive industry.

Sealing and retaining ring applications:

  • Turbochargers
  • Electric boosting
  • Transmission
  • EV coolant / heat pumps
  • EV range extenders
  • Microturbines
  • Hydrogen fuel cell compressors

Technical advice and support is available, backed by our in-house Materials Laboratory and test facilities, to provide analysis of ring and material performance.

If you would like a quote for any custom rings or would like to discuss your requirements please contact us or complete our enquiry form.

turbocharger automotive seals
combustion hybrid electric